【超级口语十分钟|Uniforms 校服】

【超级口语十分钟|Uniforms 校服】

2019-07-30    01'11''

主播: 超级学长

352 2

问题: What are the advantages and disadvantages for students to wear uniforms? 高分回答: I hear a lot of people claim that the good thing about school uniforms is that they promote equality among students. Basically, they’re saying that if everyone is wearing the same thing, then nobody will be able to bully others based on their socioeconomic status, and students won’t lose their self-esteem when they’re comparing themselves with the richer kids. But while I do partially agree with this viewpoint, I also think that school uniforms promote a sense ofuniformity, which is not good. Your dressing style should be a way for you to express your personality and your opinions, and if everyone is required to wear the same thing, then the school is pretty much saying that there’s only one sense of beauty. This is obviously not good because it basically kills theindividuality of students. 语料积累 重点词汇 claim  v. 声称 promote  v. 弘扬 equality  n. 平等 bully  v. 欺负人 socioeconomic  adj. 社会的+经济的 self-esteem  n. 自尊心 uniformity  n. 统一性、一致性 kill  v. 抹杀、扼杀 individuality  n. 个人特色 高分表达 partially agree with 部分同意