120黑夜呀,我感觉到你的美了。你的美如一个可爱的妇人,当她把灯灭了的时候。I feel thy beauty, dark night, like that of the loved woman when she has put out the lamp. 121我把在那些已逝去的世界上的繁荣带到我的世界上来。I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed. 122亲爱的朋友呀,当我静听着海涛时,我好几次在暮色深沉的黄昏里,在这个海岸上,感到你的伟大思想的沉默了。Dear friend, I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves. 123鸟以为把鱼举在空中是一种慈善的举动。The bird thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a life in the air. 124夜对太阳说道:“在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。”“我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。” In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me, I leave my answers in tears upon the grass. 125伟人是一个天生的孩子,当他死时,他把他的伟大的孩提时代给了世界。The great is a born child; when he dies he gives his great childhood to the world.