The minimum down payment required for a loan to purchase a second home has been reduced to 40% of a property's value, if the household has not paid off their loan for their first home, according to a statement jointly released Monday by the central bank, the Ministry of Housing And Urban-Rural Development and the Banking Regulatory Commission.
同时,缴存职工家庭使用住房公积金委托贷款(housing provident fund loan)购买首套普通自住房(self-use residential house),最低首付比例(down payment ratio)下调为20%;拥有一套住房并已结清贷款的家庭,再次申请住房公积金购房,最低首付比例为30%。
二套房用英文表达即second home,二套房贷可以用例句中的loan to purchase a second home表达,也可以用loans for second-home buyers或mortgages on second homes。首次置业者(first-home buyers)可享受首套房优惠贷款(favorable first-home loans),享有首套房按揭贷款优惠利率(preferential interest rate on first-home mortgage)。