真题听力 2006北京

真题听力 2006北京

2015-05-09    19'13''

主播: Michael-Lee

4472 449

听力原文: 第一节 Text 1 M: Hello, can I help you? W: Yes, please! I like this sweater very much. But it’s too small for me. Do you have it in size 12? M: I am afraid not. Size 10 is the largest we have. Text 2 W: Can I help the next person in line? M: I just need to sent this letter the faster way possible. W: Let’s see. We have overnight service businesses. That takes just two days. Text 3 W: I heard you’re leaving. M: Yeah, I am moving to New York. I’ve got a new job. W: We’ll miss you. Text 4 M: So what do you want to do today? Play tennis? W: Em, no I don’t think so. M: How about swimming? It’s hot today. W: But look at our house, we have to clean the house. Text 5 M: We are going to the movies tomorrow afternoon at two. I wonder if you would like to come with us. W: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ve got a hospital appointment at 2:30. 第二节 Text 6 May I have your attentions please, ladies and gentleman? This is the restaurant car manager speaking. We would like to inform all passengers that the restaurant car is now open. The restaurant car is in the middle of the train. On sale are tea, coffee, and soft drinks. Our selection of fresh sandwiches, includes egg and tomato, pant and tomato, and chicken and cheese. Any passengers who require lunch, would you please take your seat in the restaurant car. Would passengers kindly note that there will only be one sitting for lunch, thank you. Text 7 M: Good morning, Madam. W: Good morning, I wonder if you can help. I’ve lost my coat. M: Oh, where did you lose it madam. W: Ah, I left it on a bus yesterday morning. M: Can you describe it? W: Well, it’s a long white old coat, it’s got a belt and one of those get thick furry collar and keeps your ears warm. It’s a very nice coat actually. M: I am afraid we haven’t got anything like that madam. Sorry. Text 8 M: The soup is delicious. What is it Mary? W: I am sorry, what? M: You know sometimes I think you watch too much TV. W: Oh I hardly ever watch TV. M: Are you serious? W: Oh well, sometimes I watch the morning show and I usually watch the late movies. M: And you always have dinner in front of the TV. I mean, you never talk to me. W: Yes, I do. I talk to you during comm Text 9 W: Hi, George, what have you been doing lately? I haven’t seen you around much. Where have you been? M: Oh I was playing the piano for a group in Germany. I just got back. W: It must be exciting playing the piano and traveling all the time. M: Well, playing the piano is great, but the traveling is no fun. Living out of the suitcase all the time. I have just been to my manager and he has offered me a job: playing on the coast for the summer. W: At a seaside town? M: Yes, but I don’t think I am going to take it. W: Why not? Not enough money? M: No, it’s not bad. The money is good. About two hundred dollars a week. It’s just we will be working in the hotel playing for the tourists. And they just want a same old music over and over to dance to. And I get so bored. It’s not like playing music. It’s like being a machine. W: I wouldn’t mind being a machine for that money. Text 10 W: There is a restaurant near here. Let’s get something to eat. M: Is it cheap? Oh, I don’t have a lot of money with me so… W: You know that I like fastfood places. M: Em, I don’t really want fastfood today. What about my neighborhood? There’re some cheap restaurants there. W: But your neighborhood is 30 minutes from here by bus. And I am really hungry. It’s 2:30 you know. M: Right, so how about… Oh I know, there is a little French restaurant near here. It’s good and it’s not expensive. W: OK. So let’s go there. Is it far? M: It’s about 15 minutes from here. W: 15 minutes? Well, OK, but let me get a bar of chocolate first. Look, there is a supermarket right over there. M: OK, oh you are hungry. W: Well I usually have lunch at noon. Text 11 W: Wait, Ben, did you say you had a party Saturday? M: Yeah, you didn’t know about it? It was my birthday. W: No, I didn’t. M: Oh, I invited you. I sent you an e-mail last week. W: Are you sure? I didn’t get it. Oh, you know what? I didn’t tell you I have a new e-mail address. Oh, I am sorry. M: That’s OK. But I was kind of upset that you weren’t there. W: Really? I was upset too. And the bike trip was just awful. We got lost for four hours. M: Oh, that’s terrible. W: Listen, let’s go out for lunch this weekend. I want to do something for your birthday. M: Oh, you don’t have to. W: I know, but I want to. M: OK, that’s really nice of you, really. So anyway, I have to go now. I have a meeting at 9:30. W: OK, see you later, and happy birthday.