美国甜心姐妹情深--Chilling with you

美国甜心姐妹情深--Chilling with you

2015-04-10    06'57''

主播: 跟Sandy学英语看世界

18580 870

没有人觉得歌词很棒吗? I loved so much that I cried. I danced so much till I was tired. I drank some red wine, And now I'm walking on the sky. I had the time of my life. 第一句我相信很多人都会感同身受,爱情的失意 因为太爱,最后为他而哭泣 带着浅浅的醉意,仿佛在天空至上行走一般。 i had the time of my life 如taylor的一句 i think i finally clean I'm feelin' alright. 'Cause I don't got to worry about a thing. 仿佛整个人都放松了 世间的一切花花绿绿都是浮云 我不用再为任何事情而担心 歌词真的很美丽