本周热门短语--Blow off some steam放松下

本周热门短语--Blow off some steam放松下

2015-05-02    02'48''

主播: 跟Sandy学英语看世界

15289 832

blow off some steam Steam是蒸汽,blow off 是吹掉、吹走,这是一个非常地道常用的美国习惯用语,意思是舒缓压力,释放压力。 今天Sandy老师教给大家“放松”的四种英文表达方式:blow off some steam; relax ; unwind oneself; loosen up; 例1:I am going to relax this weekend by hanging out with my friends and reading my favorite novel. 例2:Whenever he feels stressful, he will go out to have a drink to unwind himself. 例3:Come and sit here. Take off your shoes. You need to loosen up a little. 例4:I feel so tired and stressful at work lately. So tonight I am going to sing karaoke with my friends after work to blow off some steam.