

2015-04-16    00'49''

主播: 布莱恩教育

3223 456

我的希望 Ladies and gentlemen, I have many wishes. I wish people all over the world would love each other more. I wish people would stop wasting energy. I wish people would be less selfish. I wish people would share happy feelings more freely and not keep their emotions shut up inside. I wish that people could find cures for cancer and AIDS. In short, I wish that the world could be a better place. Thank you for letting me share all my wishes with you. 女士们,先生们,我有很多希望。我希望全世界的人们彼此更加友爱。我希望人们不要再浪费能源。我希望人们少点自私。我希望人们能够更自由地分享快乐,而不是把感情封闭起来。我希望人们能找到治疗癌症和艾滋病的方法。简单地说,我希望这个世界变得更好。谢谢大家让我分享我的希望。