晨练 第08周第01天

晨练 第08周第01天

2015-04-26    04'22''

主播: 布莱恩教育

1428 348

脱口而出 1. I gotta take care of this. 我得去处理一下。 2. She’s all alone. 她孤身一人。 3. Your mother’s trying to fix you up with someone really nice. 你妈妈想替你和一个很好的男人牵线。 4. Simmer down! 安静! 5. This is incredible! 太不可思议了! 6. What are you going to put on? 你要穿什么衣服? 7. Maybe this was the mysterious Mr. Right I’d been waiting my whole life to meet. 也许他就是我寻觅已久的白马王子。