轻而易举的富足 第13天【中英文 男声版】

轻而易举的富足 第13天【中英文 男声版】

2015-04-13    02'39''

主播: 布莱恩教育

1713 177

DAY 13 ~ LESSON 13 I OPEN MY MIND TO PEACE Today I open my mind to the realization that there is always another way to view any experience in life. Whenever an experience does not bring me peace, I look at it from a different perspective. By being aware of the possibility that there is another way of looking at the experience, I create the opportunity for a peaceful resolution. Today I open my mind to peace. RECOMMENDED READING Grateful Surrender Excitement in the Present ASSIGNMENT FOR DAY 13 Find a homeless person and give that person some money. When you do, notice your judgment. That judgment is about you. Affirmation: I open my life to peace. Remember to keep your word today.