Big Hero 6(节选)

Big Hero 6(节选)

2015-04-29    05'25''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2697 596

 The Big Hero 6 【部分文稿】 Hiro: So, what are you been working on? Tadashi: I’ll show you. Hiro: Duct tape? I hate to break it to you, bro. Already been invented… Hey! Awww! Dude! Awww… Tadashi: This, is what I’ve been working on. Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal health care compa- nion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention wh- en you said: “Awww…” Hiro: A robotic nurse? Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain? Hiro: Physical, or emotional? Baymax: I will scan you now… Scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. I suggest an anti-bacterial spray. Hiro: Whoa, whoa, whoa… What’s in the spay specifically? Baymax: The primary ingredient is: Bacitracin. Hiro: That’s a bummer, I’m actually allergic to that. Baymax: You’re not allergic to Bacitracin. You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts. Hiro: Not bad. You’ve done some serious coding on this thing huh! Tadashi: Ahah! Programmed to over more than 10,000 medical procedures. This chip! Is what makes Baymax, “Bay- max” . Hiro: Vinyl? Tadashi: Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable kind of th- ing. Hiro: Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense. Baymax: I am robot. I can not be offended. Hiro: Hyperspectro Cameras? Tadashi: Yup. Hiro: Titanium skeleton. Tadashi: Carbon fiber. Hiro: Right. Even lighter. Killer actuators, where did you get those? Tadashi: Machined them right here… In house… Hiro: Really? Tadashi: Yup. He can lift a thousand pounds. Hiro: Shut up! Baymax: You have been a good boy, have a lollipop. Hiro: Nice! Baymax: I can not deactivate until you say: you are satisfied with your care. Hiro: Well then, I’m satisfied with my care. Tadashi: He’s gonna help a lot of people. 【参考译文】 Hiro: 那,你在研究什么? Tadashi: 我展示给你看。 Hiro: 胶带纸?别怪我泼冷水,老哥,这个人家已经发明过了。啊……老哥!痛啊! Tadashi: 这,就是我研究的项目。 Baymax: 你好,我叫大白,你的私人健康助手。我察觉到你需要医疗护理,当你说“啊……”的时候。 Hiro: 机器人护士? Baymax: 从1到10级,你的疼痛指数是? Hiro: 你是说生理上,还是心理上? Baymax: 正在扫描……扫描完成。你的小臂有轻微的上皮组织擦伤,我建议进行除菌喷雾处理。 Hiro: 等等,这个喷雾的主要成分是什么? Baymax: 主要成分是“杆菌肽”。 Hiro: 真糟糕,我不巧对那个东西过敏。 Baymax: 你并不对杆菌肽过敏,倒是对花生轻微过敏。 Hiro: 你对这个机器人的编程还真不错呦! Tadashi: 啊哈,他被编入超过一万种医疗护理程序;大白之所以成为“大白”,就靠这个芯片。 Hiro: 乙烯树脂? Tadashi: 对,为了做出无害又可爱的效果。 Hiro: 看上去像一个移动的棉花糖。别见怪。 Baymax: 我是个机器人,不会见怪。 Hiro: 超光谱镜头? Tadashi: 没错。 Hiro: 钛合金的骨架? Tadashi: 是碳纤维。 Hiro: 对啊,更轻便。好赞的驱动器,你从哪儿弄到的? Tadashi: 就是在这儿加工的,实验室里。 Hiro: 真的假的? Tadashi: 真的。他能托举一千磅的重量。 Hiro: 不是吧! Baymax: 你是个乖宝宝,来根棒棒糖! Hiro: 真棒! Baymax: 直到你说你很满意我的照顾,我才会结束工作。 Hiro: 那好吧,我很满意你的照顾。 Tadashi: 他会帮助很多很多人的。