晨练 第11周 第02天

晨练 第11周 第02天

2015-05-18    01'33''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2010 344

脱口而出 1. I have family here sort of. 我在这里也算是有家人了。 2. I know all about him. 我了解他。 3. It didn’t work because you weren’t being honest. 它不起作用是因为你不够诚实。 额外财富 《马达加斯加2》片段 Marty! Look, I know you’re in there. Before I go, I got something I want to say. You’ve been a great friend. You’ve helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. Just like back at the zoo. What kind of a friend does that make me? Pretty lousy friend, I guess. Well, I just want you to know that I... you’re one in a million. Marty!我知道你就在那儿。我走之前,有些话我一定要说。你一直是一个好朋友。你总是让我看到问题的光明面,有时候我就忘记了你也会有烦恼。你需要我的时候,我却不在你身边。在动物园的时候也是这样。我算是什么朋友呢?真是够逊的。好吧,我只是想让你知道,你是万里挑一的好哥们儿。