晨练 第11周 第04天

晨练 第11周 第04天

2015-05-20    02'58''

主播: 布莱恩教育

1030 278

脱口而出 1. I need a few days off. 我要请几天假。 2. Let me simplify. Stay, keep the job; leave, lose it. 让我简单点说。留下,保住工作;走,直接解雇。 3. How the hell are you so strong? 你怎么会这么强壮? 4. Now shut up and don’t move. 闭嘴,别动。 5. You should take a few days off. 你该休息几天。 6. You need a permission slip? 还要我批准吗? 7. If you want him out of your house, you throw him out yourself. 如果你想把他丢出屋子的话,那就自己动手吧。