

2015-05-28    02'11''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2573 344

今天是全新的开始 Today is a great new beginning. Today is a fresh new start. Today I decide to conquer English. Today I am determined to speak good English. I am powerful. I am beautiful. I am outstanding. I am talented. I am positive. I am healthy. I am energetic. I am helpful. I am faithful. I feel great about myself. I feel fantastic about our wonderful world. I am a miracle of the Earth. I am a miracle of the universe. I can improve myself and the world. 今天是伟大的全新的开始;今天是崭新的开端。今天我决定攻克英语;今天我决心说一口流利的英语。我威力无比,我漂亮无限,我出类拔萃,我有天赋,我积极向上,我健康活泼,我意气风发,我乐于助人,我矢志不渝。我对自己感觉棒极了;我对这缤纷多彩的世界感觉棒极了。我是地球的奇迹;我是宇宙的奇迹。我能提升自己并改造世界。