晨练 第七周 第02天【每周电影-过往故事】

晨练 第七周 第02天【每周电影-过往故事】

2015-10-26    02'48''

主播: 布莱恩教育

6125 512

第 2 天 脱口而出 1. It's the last night of vacation. 这是假期的最后一天。 2. You should probably wait out here. 你最好还是在外面等一下吧。 3. I never knew what I was capable of. 我以前一直不知道自己的能力。 额外财富 《Kung Fu Panda》片段 Tigress: He wasn't just a student. Shifu found him as a cub and he raised him as his son. And when the boy showed talent in kung fu, Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. 他不仅是学生。师傅发现了这个不速之客并把他当儿子对待。当他展露功夫的天分,师傅开始训练他。他坚信泰狼注定会成为一代大侠。泰狼永远也不知足,他想要神龙卷轴。但乌龟看见了他心中的阴暗,没有同意。