Taylor swift演唱会选段

Taylor swift演唱会选段

2015-12-03    00'34''

主播: 布莱恩教育

11369 464

Taylor Swift演唱会 现场演讲选段 Right now, I’m playing a show. And right now, I’m looking at you. And you are looking at me. And you’re singing with me. We’re dancing together. But pretty soon, we’re not going to be anymore. And it will just be a memory. But I will play back. Anytime I’m having a really really bad day, and anytime I don’t have perspective on my life, anytime I don’t think I’m lucky, and I think about this. And I just want you to know that you make me feel really lucky. 此时此刻,我在台上表演。此时此刻,我望向你们。而你们也注视着我。随之合唱,伴我起舞。但是很快我们将淡出彼此的视线。和你们在一起的时光将变成回忆。但是我还会回来。当我时运不济,当我迷茫彷徨,当我自怨自艾的时候,我会想起这段美好时光。我希望你们知道,是你们让我感受到幸运。