Gossip Girl - The Wild Brunch
I bet you’re wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early. Truth is, I never went to bed. Why I waste the precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?
Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading a paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. Yeah, right. We upper east siders don’t do lazy. Breakfast is brunch. And it comes with champagne, a dress code, and a hundred of our closest friends, and enemies. Chuck’s Dad, Bart Bass, is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited. Well, not everyone.
有什么比慵懒的周日更令人惬意的吗?躺在床上读读报,品品咖啡,来一两个炒蛋。对,曼哈顿的名流从不懒惰。早午餐就是我们的早餐,配上香槟,身着盛装,还有一群密友相伴,当然还有死对头。Chuck的爸爸,Bart Bass为他的基金会举办一年一度的早午餐会。所有人都得到邀请了。哦,并不是所有人。