Week12 Day05 【Women's Rights are Human Rights——Hilary Clinton】

Week12 Day05 【Women's Rights are Human Rights——Hilary Clinton】

2016-02-25    01'28''

主播: 布莱恩教育

18611 594

Women’s Rights are Human Rights By gathering in Beijing, we are focusing world attention on issues that matter most in our lives, the lives of women and their families: access to education, health care, jobs and credit, the chance to enjoy basic legal and human rights and to participate fully in the political life of our countries. Now it is the time to act on behalf of women everywhere. If we take bold steps to better the lives of women, we will be taking bold steps to better the lives of children and families, too. Families rely on mothers and wives for emotional support and care; families rely on women for labor in the home; and increasingly everywhere, families rely on women for income needed to raise healthy children and care for other relatives. Let us heed that call so we can create a world in which every woman is treated with respect and dignity, every boy and girl is loved and cared for equally, and every family has the hope of a strong and stable future. God’s blessings on you, your work and all who will benefit from it. Thank you very much. 【参考译文】 通过这次在北京的聚会,我们让全世界的注意力都集中在妇女的生活以及她们的家庭密切相关的问题上:享有教育、医疗保健、工作及贷款的权利,有机会享有基本的合法权利和人身权利,并能充分参与国家的政治活动。 此刻就是我们代表全世界妇女采取行动的时候了。如果我们能采取果敢的措施来改善妇女的生活,那么我们也就是在采取果敢的措施来改善儿童和家庭的生活。 家庭需要依靠母亲和妻子的情感支持和关爱;家庭需要依靠妇女进行家务劳动;家庭也愈加需要依靠妇女的工作收入来抚养孩子健康成长以及照顾其他的亲属。 让我们听从这个召唤,创造一个所有妇女都受到尊重的世界,一个所有男孩和女孩都享有平等关爱的世界,一个所有家庭都有希望拥有繁荣和稳定的未来世界。 愿上帝保佑大家、大家的工作还有从此次会议中得到益处的人。 非常感谢你们的聆听。