《速度与激情3》片段【You make choices and you don’t look back】

《速度与激情3》片段【You make choices and you don’t look back】

2016-03-17    00'47''

主播: 布莱恩教育

23707 780

《速度与激情3》片段 I have money. It’s trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are. And one car in exchange for knowing what a man is made of, that’s a price I can live with. Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules, for what? They’re letting fear lead them. What happens if I don’t? Life is simple: you make choices and you don’t look back. 我有钱。我需要周围有信得过的人。你选择跟谁在一起,会让你知道你是谁。一辆车就知道一个人,这就是我的价值观。看看那些人,他们循规蹈矩,为何?他们让恐惧带着他们。如果我没有恐惧呢?生活很简单:做出选择,不回头。