晨练 Week04 Day01

晨练 Week04 Day01

2016-03-27    02'03''

主播: 布莱恩教育

6385 422

第四周: 第 1 天 脱口而出 1. I already paid for that. 我已经付过钱了。 2. Is that what you’re trying to tell me? 你是想告诉我这些吗? 3. I’m afraid to think what this will cost me. 真不敢想象这个要花我多少钱。 4. There’s a first time for everything. 万事开头难。 5. His attitude to his job is rather casual. 他的工作态度不太认真。 6. How long have we known each other now? 我们到现在认识多久了?