第 5天
Edward Perriman Cole died in May. It was a Sunday afternoon, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It’s difficult to understand, the sum of a person’s life. Some people will tell you it’s measured by the ones left behind. Some believe it can be measured in faith. Some say by love. Other folks say life has no meaning at all.
Me? I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measured themselves by you. What I can tell you for sure is that, by any measure, Edward Cole lived more in his last days on Earth than most people manage to wring out of a lifetime. I know that when he died, his eyes were closed... and his heart was open.
Edward Perriman Cole在五月离世。那是一个周日的下午,万里无云。人生的意义是什么,很难明白。有人说要看他留下了什么,有人认为要看他的信仰,有人说要用爱来衡量,还有人说人生根本就毫无意义。
我?我觉得可以从那些以你为镜的人身上看到你自己人生的意义。我能肯定的是,不管按什么标准,Edward Cole在人世间的最后时光比大部分人毕生的光阴更为充实。我知道,他在离世的时候合上了双眼,却敞开了心灵。