晨练 Week09 Day01【营后首发】

晨练 Week09 Day01【营后首发】

2016-05-08    03'09''

主播: 布莱恩教育

5889 331

新学期,晨练音频有所改版,精彩每一天! 持续关注~ 第九周: 第 1 天 脱口而出 1. I like the sound of that. 听起来不错。 2. I have so much to learn. 我还有好多东西要学呢。 3. I’m ready for my first day of morning training. 我准备好迎接第一天的晨练啦。 4. I know what you’re thinking. 我知道你在想什么。 5. I’ve been sitting here, waiting for you. 我一直坐在这儿等你。 6. But I was pretty sure it was going to be a lot of fun. 但我非常确定,这个过程会很有趣。