晨练 Week12 Day02【和声细语】

晨练 Week12 Day02【和声细语】

2016-05-30    01'17''

主播: 布莱恩教育

4305 286

第 2 天 脱口而出 1. He is gorgeous, and he’s talented. 他帅呆了而且才华横溢。 2. That marriage is one of convenience. 那只是一桩政治婚姻。 3. Turns out, I wasn’t the only one feeling that way. 原来,不仅我一个人这么想。 额外财富 Conversation A: I hope you don’t mind my asking, but is that my bag you are taking? B: Oooh, I’m terribly sorry. You know, all these bags look alike nowadays. A:冒昧请问,您拿的是我的包吗? B:噢!非常抱歉。您知道,现在所有的包都很像。