汪修权Sparkle 、唐美佳Maggie 提供音频及文本
丁慧影Cherish 校稿及上传
Andy: I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money. You get the forms, I'll prepare them for you......nearly free of charge. I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my coworkers.
安迪: 我帮你办,为你省钱。你领表我来填,完全免费,只请我同事每人三瓶啤酒。
Jailer: "Coworkers." Get him! That's rich, ain't?
狱官: 同事?够新鲜!
Andy: A man working outdoors feels more like a man......if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion......sir.
安迪: 做黑手的有酒喝......才有尊严,这是我的浅见......长官。
Hadley: What are you jimmies staring at? back to work! (Let's go! Work!)
Red: And that's how it came to pass...... that on the second-to-last day of the job...... the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '49...... wound up sitting in a row at 10:00 in the morning...... drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw...... that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.