

2016-09-28    01'34''

主播: 布莱恩教育

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Grace of Monaco 《摩纳哥王妃》 Maybe I’m naive but... I believe in fairy tales. I do. I believe that they can exist if we really want them to, If... if we are prepared to work hard enough. I believe that the... that the world will not always be full of hatred and conflict if... if we’re willing to sacrifice enough. And that is what... That is what Monaco means to me. And in a way that is why... That is why I am Monaco. I have no army. I...I wish ill on no one. I... I bear no resistance to aggression, I just... I’m here. I’m here doing what I do, trying to make a little difference in the world in the best way that I know how. But it wouldn’t be real life, or it wouldn’t be the fairy tale, if there wasn’t someone trying to destroy it, or crush it, simply because it doesn’t please them, or simply because they can. And I know some of you think it’s their right to do so. But I don’t think anyone should have the right to crush happiness or beauty when they see it. 【参考译文】 也许我很幼稚……但是我是相信童话故事的,真的,我相信只要我们相信那些美好,就真的会存在,只要……只要我们对困难做好了充分的准备。我相信这个……这个世界不会总是那样,充满仇恨和战争,只要……只要我们愿意做出一些牺牲。而这就是……这就是摩纳哥对我的意义;从另一个角度来说,这也是……这也是我对摩纳哥的意义。我没有一兵一卒,我……我不想让任何人难过。我……我不想对侵犯行为提出反抗,我只是……来这里,我来这里做该做的事,用我自己的方式,让这个世界做出一点改变,但这不是童话故事,而是现实生活,仅仅因为有人,没有迎合他们,或者因为他们有能力,就会想榨干它,毁掉它。我知道,有人会认为他们有权那么做,可我不认为谁有权利,在看见幸福和美好的事物时,去摧毁它。