Week13 Day03【是什么,让我们学好了英语?】

Week13 Day03【是什么,让我们学好了英语?】

2016-11-29    11'15''

主播: 布莱恩教育

7631 201

第三天 1. I can't help it. It's in me. 我忍不住,这是天生的。 2. Wow. Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine? 哇哦,你还真是个乐观主义者! 3. I'm out of here! Bye! 我走啦!拜拜! 4. That tastes awesome. 味道好极了。 电影原声对话 A: Theo, what happens if you wake up tomorrow, and your powers are gone, hmm? What then? B: Then I better make the most of today. A: Theo,如果明天早上你醒过来。发现魔力消失了,你怎么办? B: 那我要好好享受今天。