Offering an Award 主持颁奖典礼

Offering an Award 主持颁奖典礼

2017-07-25    00'45''

主播: 布莱恩教育

3675 114

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We gathered this evening in order to recognize some of our employees for their outstanding performance in the past year. After close consideration and performance evaluation, the selection committee has come to the following decision: the three recipients of the Outstanding Perfor- mance Award are Mr. Tiger Wu, Ms. Sally Wang, and Mr. Stone Lee. Needless to say, this year’s recipients deserve special recognition for their dedication and accomplishments. Also, I would like to say that every one of you who wasn’t selected this year has a good chance of winning this honor next year. I wish you all the best of luck. 【参考译文】 女士们,先生们,晚上好。今天晚上我们相聚这里,是为了要表扬过去一年来表现杰出的几位员工。 在评估各位的表现,并经过慎重考虑之后,选拔委员会作出了以下的决定:杰出表现奖的三位获奖人员是吴泰格先生,王莎莉小姐,以及李斯通先生。 不用说,今年的获奖人,都是因为他们的贡献和成就,而获得特别的褒奖。但是我还想告诉今天没有获奖的各位,明年也有很好的机会可以获得这项荣誉。我祝各位好运。