To the Greatness of Small

To the Greatness of Small

2018-04-30    01'55''

主播: 布莱恩教育

22571 329

99% of people think they are nobody. 97% of companies are small companies. 92% of countries are small countries. 95% of athletes are unknown. Small can be calculated, but it cannot be ignored. So we have a different point of view on small. We believe a small character has unrivaled power, a small action can touch millions of people, a small step forward can set a new record, a small change can create a difference, a small corner can impact the whole world, a small country’s story can inspire all humanity. From small to big, everyone is making a difference. Alibaba believes in the power of small, we’re proud to be The World Wild partner of the Olympic Games, giving everyone an equal chance. Together, we’re in this game. From one to billions, we see the power of small. To the greatness of small. 【参考译文】 99%的人认为自己渺小,97%的企业是小企业,92%的国家是小国家,95%的运动员不被看见,小可以被计算,但不可以被小看,对小我们有不同的看法。 我们相信,一个小角色有无法撼动的能量,一个小举动感动亿万用户,一个小进步能打破记录,一个小改变足以颠覆未来,一个小角落也能影响全世界,一个小国家可以感动全人类。 由小到大,人人都在创造世界,阿里巴巴相信小的力量,荣与奥林匹克成为全球合作伙伴,以公平的平台给予每个人机会,一起加入这个全人类的盛事中,让每个小都能影响世界,看见小的力量。 相信渺小的力量!