

2018-04-30    01'36''

主播: 布莱恩教育

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Walking up towards that stage, I felt like I was floating. My heart was beating so fast. I didn’t really understand why I was getting a medal. It’s not like I blew up the Death Star. All I did was get through fifth grade, just like everyone else here. Then again, maybe that’s kind of the point. Maybe the truth is, I’m really not so ordinary. Maybe if we knew what other peolpe were thinking, we’d know that no one’s ordinary. And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives. My friends do. My teachers do. My sister does for always being there for me. My dad does for always making us laugh. And my mom does the most. For never giving up. On anything. Especially, me. It’s like that last precept Mr. Browne gave us. Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really wanna see what people are, all you have to do... is look. 【参考译文】 走向舞台的时候,我感觉整个人在飘,我的心,跳的那么的快,我真不懂自己为什么得到了这个奖项,又不是我炸掉了死星(引用星战),我只是和同学一样度过了5年级而已。 其实,这就是最重要的吧,也许事实就是,我没有那么的普通,也许你能看透每一个人的心,就会知道,没有人是普通的,每个人都值得大家站起来为他鼓掌一次,我的朋友们值得,我的老师们值得,我的姐姐值得,因为她永远支持我,我的爸爸值得,因为他总逗我们笑,特别是我妈妈,因为她从不放弃任何事情,特别是我,就像是Browne老师送给我们的最后一条箴言,善良一点,因为大家的一生都不容易,如果你真想真正了解他人,你只需要用心去看。