Week8(下) 如何做到自由交流?Sylar用四个字为你解答

Week8(下) 如何做到自由交流?Sylar用四个字为你解答

2018-10-31    10'37''

主播: 布莱恩教育

11380 124

第8周 第4天 1. There is no way I am going to let you do that. 我不可能让你去的。 2. You have nothing to worry about. 你什么都不用担心。 3. Don't worry. My dad's gonna come up with a plan. 别担心,我爸爸会想到办法的。 4. We're out of gas. 我们没有汽油了。 5. My boys would give anything to go on a vacation like this. 如果能去一次这样的旅行, 我的孩子会愿意付出一切。 6. Put it to you this way, if I didn't have braces, my teeth would be hitting you right now. 这么跟你说, 如果我不控制住自己, 我怕我会忍不住咬你。(表示十分气愤的句子) 第8周 第5天 1. Are you all cozy now? 现在舒服吗? 2. Can you give us some alone time? 你能让我们单独待会儿吗? 3. Can you rub my head so I have good dreams? 你能摸摸我的头吗?样我就能做好梦了。 4. It's fun to laugh with you. 和你一起说笑真的很有趣。 5. You looked so hot in this dress, I had to buy it for you. 你穿这条裙子实在太火辣了, 我必须要买来送给你。