Week8(上) Van:散发着恋爱气息的英文句子,想学不?

Week8(上) Van:散发着恋爱气息的英文句子,想学不?

2018-11-06    11'49''

主播: 布莱恩教育

10788 105

第八周   第1天 1. How do you know where I live? 你怎么知道我住在哪里? 2. We are stuck here doing nothing all week? 我们就呆在这一个星期没事干? 3. All right, I’ll give this back to whoever it belongs to. 好吧,那我把它给回它主人。 4. It&`&s the first massage I’ll ever do in my life. 这是我人生第一次做推拿。   5. He asked me if I wanted to be part of the team. 他问我想不想成为其中一员。 6. Now I am racking my brain trying to figure out how to compete with that. 现在我绞尽脑汁在想一个比那更好的计划。 第2天 1. Why don&`&t you hit the buffet? 你们为什么不去吃自助餐?   2. We are going 4 miles per hour. 我们的时速四公里。 3. Let&`&s see what we have in the magic bag here. 我们来看看魔术包里面有什么。   4. Do you wanna come check it out with me? 你想跟我一起去吗? 5. It&`&s undeniable, you guys are infatuated with each other. 这是不可否认的,你们都喜欢对方。 6. Are you ready for the most exciting, amazing and romantic week of your entire lives? 你们准备好迎接人生中最刺激、最兴奋、最浪漫的一周了吗? 第3天 1. How do you always look so great? 你怎么总是能看起来那么美?   2. It is the best passion fruit I&`&ve ever tasted. Try it. 这是我吃过最好吃的百香果。你一定要试试。   3. Do you want to get some sushi from the bar? 你想去吧台那里拿一些寿司吗? 4. It was getting even? 我们扯平了? 5. I knew her when I was 13. I had a crush on her. 我十三岁就认识她了。我很喜欢她。 6. I think someone new came to dinner. A flying baby named Cupid. 我想有别人也来了晚餐,一个胖胖的会飞的小孩子叫做丘比特。(暗指现场有爱情的味道)