Big dog.
Little dog.
Big dogs and little dogs.
Black and white dogs.
Do you like my hat?
I do not
Good by
Good by
One little dog going in
Three big dogs going out.
A red dog on a blue tree
A blue dog on a red tree
A green dog on a yellow tree
Some big dogs and some little dogs going around in cars
A dog out of a car
Two big dogs going up
One little dog going down
The green dog is up
The yellow dog is down
The blue dog is in
The red dog is out
One dog up on a house
Three dogs down in the water
A green dog over a tree
A yellow dog under a tree
Two dogs in a house on a boat in the water
A dog over the water
A dog under the water
Hello again
Do you like my hat?
I do not like it
Good by again
Good by
The dogs are all going around,and around.
Go around again!
The sun is up
The sun is yellow
The yellow sun is over the house
It is hot out here in the sun
It is not hot here under the house
Now it is night
Three dogs at a party on a boat at night
Dogs at work
Work dogs work
Dogs at play
Play dogs play
Hello again
Do you like my hat?
I do not like that hat
Good by again
Good by
Dogs in cars again
Going away
Going away fast
Look at those dogs go
Go dogs go
Stop digs stop
The light is red now
Go dogs go
The light is green now
Two dogs at play
At play up on top
Go down dogs
Do not play up there
Go down