【Mat Talk Show】S3E7Adele新专25精选

【Mat Talk Show】S3E7Adele新专25精选

2016-01-14    09'38''

主播: AwkwaMatttt

59 5

S3E7Adele新专25精选(字幕君回归) Hey guys.This is Gladys.Welcome to this week’s Mat Talk Show.Recently,English singer and songwriter Adele released her third studio album 25 on Nov. 20h.Titled as a reflection of her life and frame of mind at 25 years old, 25 is a "make-up record". The album's lyrical content features themes of Adele yearning for her old self, her nostalgia, and melancholy about the passage of time as well as themes of motherhood and regret.嗨,大家好,欢迎收听方山之声。近期,人称“格莱美收割机”的Adele以屠榜的方式强势回归。新专辑《25》发行当天即时下载量便登顶了77个国家。Adele说,这张专辑是一张弥补专辑,弥补失去的时光,弥补做过的和未曾做过的一切。究竟是弥补时光还是复刻成功过往?打开Adele的不同,感受也自然不同,一切由聆听者自己体味。 The first one,Hello.It was released on 23 October 2015 by XL Recordings as the lead single from her third studio album, 25.Hello is a piano ballad with soul influences, and lyrics that discuss themes of nostalgia and regret.第一首,Hello。以先抑后扬的方式,层层堆砌感情,最后用Adele富有穿透力的嗓音来一个大爆发,这首歌将一个怀念前任的女生的心态描写得淋漓尽致。 And the next,When we were young.The song is a R&B ballad and is fourth song in her new studio album.The performance of the song was filmed at the church studio in London,where some of the LP was recorded.您现在听到的是专辑中的第四首,when we were young。当我们年轻的时候,我们肆意挥霍着我们的青春我们的欢笑我们的眼泪,那是我们再也回不去的时光。 The third one,million years ago.The song is written by Adele and Greg Kurstin.Different other songs in the album, this song is more in line with Chinese tastes.Million years ago,这首歌一经发行便广受好评,不过也遭受了不少质疑,不少网友在收听过后认为这首歌更像是《My all》,《歌剧魅影》,《贝加尔湖畔》,《火烧的寂寞》等歌曲的融合版。 Remedy,written by Adele and Ryan Tedder,is the 5th song in her new album.The song wa written about her best friend, her grandparents, her boyfriend, and her son. Adele was excited by the song and believed she was finally creating music that she liked and felt confident about.Remedy,是Adele与美国著名乐队One Republic的主场Ryan Tedder共同创作的一首歌,Adele曾表示,这是一首送给挚友、祖父母、男友和儿子的歌。 The last one,all i ask,coorperate with Brono Mars,is also a love song just like Adele always do.Not only the rhythm,the lyrics and many other details can make you moved.最后一首,是阿黛尔和火星哥共同创作的all i ask。很多歌迷表示这首歌自开口便泪目,无论是旋律还是歌词,这首歌都足以打动人心,一起来听听吧。