

2016-01-15    03'28''

主播: AwkwaMatttt

5278 119

搜索微信公众号:mattalkshow(关注有惊喜) Hey guys! Weclome to Mat talk show winter special. I'm Ramsey. Actually I just came back from cinema ,looking Star wars7: The Force Awakens which is so impressing. So, today I'll talk about this movie. Hello,大家好,欢迎收听Mat脱口秀冬季特辑。今天呢,我为大家带来的是我刚刚在影院里观看的精彩大片星球大战7:原力觉醒。 As far as I am concerned, Star Wars don't have a powerful influence in China. But in the united states, it's a kind of legend affecting millions people. You know what? On Premiere day, Obama wanted an early termination of his news conference to watch Star Wars showed in white house. 事实上,星球大战在中国并没有很大的影响力。但是在美国,这是一部影响了数亿人的传奇电影。首映日当天,美国总统奥巴马提前结束了记者招待会,直言他要赶去看星球大战了!接下来就让我们走进让美国总统都如此痴迷的星球大战7。 First, I‘ll make a short introduction of this film.影片的背景发生在星球大战6,也就是银河帝国(Galactic empire)毁灭后的30年。传说有一份地图显示了宇宙中仅存的绝地武士卢克·天行者的隐居地。第一军团(the first order)和抵抗组织(The Resistance)都在拼尽全力争夺这份地图。导演前所未有的将男主角设定为第一军团的冲锋队员(Stormtrooper)费恩。费恩拒绝屠杀无辜人民,并在荒漠星球贾库上的一次突袭行动后逃离军队,并救出抵抗组织的飞行员。随后,在贾库芬恩与孤儿蕾伊相遇,在逃离第一军团的追杀途中救下了掌握着重要情报的球形机器人BB-8。而那份包含着绝地武士的绝密情报则将他们卷入了一场生死冒险。 The film shows great respect to Star Wars produced by George Lucas in 1977.导演J.J Abrams 将众多星球大战4中的元素融入进这部电影中。可以说这部电影是导演奉献给所有星战迷的一份大大的新年礼物。场面壮观的空中大战,保留了经典却在细节上做到极致的飞船模型,更加可爱的萌神机器人,老当益壮的传奇舰船千年隼号,开头那经典的星战logo和熟悉的星球大战主题曲,三个老演员的加盟更是让这部电影融入了浓厚的岁月醇香。 Actually,There are some comments saying that this film copy the version in 1977. But I hold a strongly disagreement. Because, this movie is not a common movie. It carrys too much spotlight and anticipation. The director has to cast many people's taste, not only common audience but also crazy fans. 其实这部电影不管评论如何,总的来说这是一部巨大的成功,首周票房破5亿,创影史纪录,打破阿凡达的总票房记录只是时间问题。在烂番茄(rotten tomatoes)影评网上新鲜度高达95% 。 In a word,this is a wonderful film you can't miss. That's all about the talkshow. May the force with you.Goobye.