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Jessica Jones, is an American web television series created for Netflix based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. 《杰茜卡•琼斯》是漫威电视和Netflix联手制作的美剧。该剧改编自漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙Marvel Cinematic Universe的一部分。It tells a story of Jessica Jones,a former superhero with the abilities of superhuman strength and limited flight, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who opens her own detective agency, Alias Investigations. 杰茜卡•琼斯曾是一个超级英雄,现在的她则在地狱厨房开了一家假名调查事务所,做起了私家侦探,此外她还经受着创伤后应激障碍的折磨。故事开始于杰西卡接到的一个案子。而这个案子则与她的过去有着千丝万缕的联系。
Krysten Ritter stars as Jessica Jones。杰西卡琼斯是由Krysten Ritter饰演。Krysten Ritter在好莱坞已经由10多年的经验,但这部剧似乎才是她生涯以来的最佳表演。ritter 真正抓住了这个角色的棱角并自然地表现出来。
David Tennant as Kilgrave: A mysterious man from Jones's past, who can control minds, and whose reappearance shakes up her life. He was experimented on as a young child, which resulted in him acquiring an airborne virus that gave him his powers.大卫•田纳特在剧中饰演大反派 kill grave。 一个来自jones的过去并拥有着控制他人心智的神秘人。田纳特赋予了该角色魔性般的魅力以及优雅的气质。Tennant曾在神秘博士(doctor who)中扮演第10任博士,也是最具人气的一任扮演者。此外他还在小镇疑云中饰演严肃果断的探长。
All episodes of the first season premiered on November 20, 2015.该剧13集于2015年11月20日一次性播出完毕。In January 2016, Netflix renewed Jessica Jones for a second season.在不久前Netflix续订了杰西卡琼斯第二季。
It differs from other superhero series for its noir tone as well as coverage of darker topics such as violence rape, and assault.我们印象中的超级英雄往往一边泡妞一边拯救世界。但在杰西卡琼斯,这个黑暗的世界之中,这样的完美并不存在。《杰茜卡•琼斯》没有去像钢铁侠,蜘蛛侠一样探究超级英雄的出身,而是在讲述这个女英雄的自我救赎,以及她在绝望中的自我挣扎。It’s quite interesting about role‘s name. Jessica Jones try to save hope the girl who jones want to protect and struggle with killgrave which also means desperate.剧中,角色的名字也大有深意 jessica 想要保护的女孩名叫hope 也就是希望。反派的名字叫做killgrave grave是坟墓,代表着绝望。