

2016-09-17    10'00''

主播: AwkwaMatttt

117 3

Hey guys, this is Gladys. Welcome to this week’s M.T.S.Today I will show you the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending May 28, 2016.嗨大家好,欢迎收听M.T.S。我是主播Gladys。在今天的节目中,我将为您奉上本周Billboard榜单中的五首好歌。 Number 5: Mike Posner "I Took A Pill In Ibiza" Mike Posner backs off a notch to fifth place with his global comeback hit “I Took A Pill In Ibiza.”Mike tells the web site Genius.com that the pill in question was a mystery to him, and that he was under the influence of alcohol when he took it. Mike says he no longer drinks and he did indeed feel 10 years older when he finally recovered.榜单第五名《I Took A Pill In Ibiza》。这首歌在HitFM TOP20榜单中荣获冠军,在Billboard单曲榜中上升至第四,五美新曲中上升至第五,。强烈的节奏感,加上mike魅力十足的嗓音让这首歌广受喜爱,其MV的独特的表现形式和色彩丰富的画面也备受听众青睐。 Number 4: Lukas Graham "7 Years" Lukas Graham sings about getting older in “their” global hit “7 Years,” which this week dips a slot to fourth place. The song has catapulted this Danish quartet into global stardom, and this August will see the members embark on their first Australian tour. And no wonder: “7 Years” topped the Australian chart for eight weeks, and their latest album also went to number one Down Under.榜单第四名,7 years。沉默三年之后Lukas终于凭借他精雕细琢的旋律和蕴含深意的歌词横扫各大榜单。1分36秒歌手还在歌曲中吼出自己的名字。这首歌节奏一出就把人带回过去,那些或悲或喜都在时间的长流中逝去,只剩下斑驳的记忆。 Number 3: Desiigner "Panda" Desiigner dips a slot to number three with his former chart-topper “Panda.” On May 21, the rapper was back home in Brooklyn, performing as a special guest at Puff Daddy’s Bad Boy Reunion Concert. Desiigner has upcoming concerts here in Washington, D.C.榜单第三名,panda。这首歌是美国嘻哈歌手Desiigner演唱的一首洗脑神曲,整首歌以说唱为主,歌曲内容似乎暗示了当下某些黑人年轻人对待生活的奢侈心态。 Number 2: Drake "One Dance" We have bad news for Drake fans: he no longer rules the Hot 100 with “One Dance.” The good news? He doesn’t fall far. He’s also dominating the album chart. Last week, his Views album opened at number one behind the best first-week sales of 2016: 852,000 copies.Views remains at number one while Drake and Future just added additional dates to their mid-year North American tour.榜单第二名是来自加拿大说唱歌手Drake的新曲One Dance。这首歌蝉联了7周的UK音乐榜冠军,追平了Bleeding Love在21世纪的记录。歌曲开头一句酥软的女声便成功吸引了万千注意. Number 1: Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop The Feeling!" Justin Timberlake is your brand-new Hot 100 champion, as “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” debuts at number one. It’s his fifth solo singles championship and his first since 2007.It’s from the Trolls movie soundtrack -- Justin has a role in the animated feature, which opens in November.榜单第一名《CAN'T STOP THE FEELING!》这首歌由贾斯汀·汀布莱克亲自填词并由Max Martin作曲。该曲收录于梦工厂动画电影《丑娃》的原声带中,受到听众的广泛好评。