【悦 | 周一陪你读英文绘本故事】Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses

【悦 | 周一陪你读英文绘本故事】Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses

2018-02-03    15'23''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

628 4

【悦·周一陪你读英文绘本故事】——Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses 亲爱的小伙伴们大家好,今天Sunny给大家分享的绘本故事的主角依然是萌萌哒乐观的Pete猫。可是今天早上起来皮特猫的心情很糟糕,那么皮特猫会不会一直都心情不好呢?当然不会,一副神奇的太阳眼镜是马上让他心情变好,而且又把这些快乐的好心情传递给了他的好朋友们:松鼠、乌龟、鳄鱼等,而且最后发现了真理:不需要太阳眼镜,只要调整好自己的看事情的方式方法,总能找到好的一面。我们一起来听故事吧!   Pete the cat did not feel happy. Pete had Never, ever, ever, ever been grumpy before. Pete had the blue cat blues. 皮特猫不开心。皮特猫 从来从来都没有感觉感觉到如此脾气暴躁。 皮特猫忧郁了。 Then, as if things were not bad enough, along came Grumpy Toad. Grumpy Toad was never happy! He always wore a frown. 这时,更糟糕的是皱眉娃来了。 从没见过皱眉娃开心,皱眉娃永远皱着眉。 But Grumpy Toad was not GRUMPY today. He said, “These COOL, BLUE MAGIC sunglasses make the blues go away. 但是皱眉娃今天不皱眉了 他说,“这双酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼镜 可以赶走不开心” They help you see things in a whole new way. 眼镜可以帮助你以全新的方式看世界。 Pete put on the COOL, BLUE MAGIC sunglasses. He looked all around. “RIGHT ON! 皮特猫戴上酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼镜 往四周看 “说得对” The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. I’m feeling ALRIGHT!” 鸟儿在歌唱 天空正蔚蓝 阳光正灿烂 我感觉棒极了。 Pete thanked Grumpy Toad for the COOL, BLUE, MAGIC sunglasses. He went on his way, And soon he saw squirrel. Squirrel did not look happy. Pete said, “what’s wrong, squirrel?” 皮特猫谢谢皱眉娃给的酷酷的 蓝色的魔法眼镜。他继续往前走 这时他看到一只松鼠。松鼠看起来不开心。皮特猫说, “你怎么了,松鼠。”  “I’m so MAD!  Nothing is going my way. I only Found one acorn today.” “我快疯了!” 一切都不如愿。我今天 只找到了一个橡子。 Pete said, “Try these COOL, BLUE, MAGIC sunglasses. They help you see things in a whole new way.” 皮特猫说,“戴上这双酷酷的蓝色的魔法 眼镜” 眼镜可以帮助你以全新的方式看世界。 Squirrel put on the COOL, BLUE, MAGIC Sunglasses and looked all around. 松鼠戴上酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼镜 往四周看 “Awesome! The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. I’m feeling ALRIGHT!” 太酷了! 鸟儿在歌唱 天空正蔚蓝 阳光正灿烂 我感觉棒极了。 Pete said good-bye to squirrel and continued on His way. Soon he saw his friends Turtle. Turtle did Not look happy. “WHAT’S WRONG, TURTLE?” Pete asked 皮特和松鼠道别后继续往前走。 这时他看到他的朋友乌龟。乌龟看起来不开心。皮特猫说, “你怎么了,乌龟。” “I’m so FRUSTRATED! Noting is going my way. I am upside down today.” “我很沮丧!” 一切都不如愿。我今天 翻转不过身体来。 Pete said, “Try these COOL, BLUE, MAGIC sunglasses. They help you see things in a whole new way.” 皮特猫说,“戴上这双酷酷的蓝色的魔法 眼镜” 眼镜可以帮助你以全新的方式看世界。 Turtle put on the COOL, BLUE, MAGIC Sunglasses and looked all around. 乌龟戴上酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼镜 往四周看 “FAR OUT! The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. I’m feeling ALRIGHT!” 看得真远! 鸟儿在歌唱 天空正蔚蓝 阳光正灿烂 我感觉棒极了。 Pete kept rolling along until he saw Alligator.  Alligator did not look happy. “WHAT’S WRONG, Alligator?” Pete asked 皮特继续往前走这时他看到鳄鱼。 鳄鱼看起来不开心。 皮特猫说, “你怎么了,乌鳄鱼。” “I’m so SAD! Noting is going my way. No one wants to play with me today.” “我很沮丧!” 一切都不如愿。今天没有谁愿意和我玩。 Pete said, “Try these COOL, BLUE, MAGIC sunglasses. They help you see things in a whole new way.” 皮特猫说,“戴上这双酷酷的蓝色的魔法 眼镜” 眼镜可以帮助你以全新的方式看世界。 Alligator put on the COOL, BLUE, MAGIC Sunglasses and looked all around. 鳄鱼戴上酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼镜 往四周看。 The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. I’m feeling ALRIGHT!” 鸟儿在歌唱 天空正蔚蓝 阳光正灿烂 我感觉棒极了。 Pete was rolling along and feeling ALRIGHT  when suddenly he fell back. 皮特猫继续往前走,觉得棒极了。 突然他摔了下来。 The COOL, BLUE, MAGIC sunglasses went crack. Uh-oh! Pete didn’t know what to do without Those sunglasses. 酷酷的蓝色的魔法眼摔坏了。 皮特猫没了眼镜不知道如何是好。 Just then, Pete looked up at the tree. Wise Old Owl said,” Pete, you don’t need  magic sunglasses to see things in a new way. Just remember to look for the good in every day.” 这时,皮特猫抬头看了看树上。 睿智的老鹰说;“皮特猫,你不需要魔法眼镜 帮你以全新的视角看世界。 记住每一天寻找美好的事物就行。” Pete looked around without his sunglasses. “TOO COOL! The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. 皮特猫看了看四周 虽然没有眼镜。 “太酷了!” 鸟儿在歌唱 天空正蔚蓝 阳光正灿烂 We’are feeling ALRIGHT!” 我们感觉棒极了!   故事读完了,大家有什么收获和体会呢?Sunny也来分享一下我的体会: 1.皱眉娃一向不开心和脾气暴躁,故事里他也有能力安慰和帮助皮特猫。告诉大家人不是一成不变的,要学会发现和肯定别人的进步。 2.皮特猫自己有魔法眼镜,看到松鼠、乌龟和鳄鱼不开心,主动地让他们带上魔法眼镜,让他的朋友开心,告诉孩子要乐于帮助他人。帮助他人的同时也是一种快乐。 3.告诉大家碰到不开心的时候不需要永远依赖的魔法眼镜,要学会积极乐观地看待四周的事情,做一个快乐的小孩。