【悦.Monday陪你读英文绘本】The colour monster

【悦.Monday陪你读英文绘本】The colour monster

2018-11-11    12'59''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

529 1

This is my friend the color monster. Today he’s feeling all mixed up, but he doesn’t understand why. 这是我的朋友——情绪小怪兽。今天,他感觉很糟糕,很混乱,他也不明白到底怎么了。 Look at you monster !You’re a mess. 看看你,小怪兽,你都变成一团乱麻了。 You’ve jumbled up all of your emotions—and all of your colors, too! 你把所有的情绪都混到一起了。——正如你身上所有的色彩! I know ! You can separate your feelings and put each one in its own jar. If you’d like, I can help you. 我知道了!你可以把这些情绪分开,装到各自的瓶子里。如果你愿意的话,我可以帮你哦。 This is happiness . It shines yellow like the sun and twinkles like  the stars. 这是快乐。它像太阳一样发光,像星星一样闪烁。 When you’re happy you laugh ,jump , dance,and play. You want to share that feeling with everyone. 当你快乐时,你笑啊,跳啊,舞蹈啊,玩耍啊,你想把那种感觉,跟每个人分享。 This is sadness. It’s gentle and blue like a rainy day.  这是忧伤。它温和而轻柔,像雾蒙蒙的下雨天。 When you’re sad you might want to cry or be alone. 当你忧伤时,你也许想哭,或者想一个人静静地待着。 This is anger . It blazes bright red. When you’re angry , you want to stomp and roar and shout ,”It’s not fair!” 这是愤怒。一旦爆发,就像燃起一团红色的火焰。当你愤怒时,你想跺脚,想咆哮,想尖叫:“这——不——公——平!” This is fear. It hides in the black shadows.  这是害怕。它总是躲在黑暗的角落里。 When you’re afraid , you feel tiny and helpless. Fear makes it hard to be brave. 当你害怕时,你觉得自己弱小无助。害怕,让你鼓不起勇气。 This is calm. It is as light as a green leaf floating in the wind. When you’re calm you breathe slowly and deeply. You feel at peace. 这是平静。它轻柔得像一片绿叶,在风中轻轻飞舞。当你平静时,你的呼吸缓慢又深沉,你觉得很安心。 All your feelings are in their places now.See ?  看到了吗?所有的情绪都回到各自的瓶子里了。 They are easier to understand when they’re not all mixed together! 当它们不再混乱时,你是不是觉得好多了? But… wait .There’s onefeeling left over. What could it be ? 但是,等一下...... 还有个情绪留下来了,它是什么呢?