【悦·周一陪你读绘本故事】小房子变大房子 | A squash and a squeeze

【悦·周一陪你读绘本故事】小房子变大房子 | A squash and a squeeze

2018-12-10    14'51''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

647 8

A little old lady lived all by herself with a table and chairs and a jug on the shelf. 一位小老太太,独自住着一间房子,房子里有桌子和椅子,架子上放个瓷罐子。 A wise old man heard her grumble and grouse. 她对聪明老先生发牢骚: "There's not enough room in my house.  “我家地方真是小 Wise old man, won't you help me, please?  聪明老先生,请你帮帮忙, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我家实在挤得慌!” "Take in your hen," said the wise old man. “把你的母鸡抱进屋。”聪明老先生出主意。 "Take in my hen? What a curious plan." “把我的母鸡抱进屋?这个主意真稀奇。” Well, the hen laid an egg on the fireside rug. 母鸡走上小地毯,下了个圆圆大鸡蛋。 And flapped round the room knocking over the jug. 它还扑棱扑棱到处飞。瓷罐子掉下来,摔成了一堆破烂儿。 The little old lady cried, "What shall I do? 小老太太大声叫:“我该怎么办才好? It was poky for one and it's tiny for two. 一个呆着已经小,两个呆着可就更加小! My nose has a tickle and there's no room to sneeze. 我的鼻子直痒痒,想打个喷嚏也没地方。 My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我的房子挤得不得了。” And she said, "Wise old man, won't you help me, please? “聪明老先生,请你帮帮忙, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我家实在挤得慌!” "Take in  your goat," said the wise old man. “把你的山羊牵进屋。”聪明老先生出主意。 "Take in my goat? What a curious plan." “把我的山羊牵进屋?这个主意真稀奇。” Well, the goat chewed the curtains and trod on the egg, 山羊咩咩叫,窗帘咬破了,鸡蛋也踩碎。 Then sat down to nibble the table leg. 它还就地一坐,流着口水啃桌腿。 The little old lady cried, "Glory be! 小老太太大声叫:“我的妈!哎哟哟! It was tiny for two and it's titchy for three. 两个呆着已经更加小,三个呆着可就更加更加小。 The hen pecks the goat and the goat's got fleas. 母鸡啄山羊,因为山羊身上有跳蚤。 My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我的房子挤得不得了。” And she said, "Wise old man, won't you help me, please? “聪明老先生,请你帮帮忙, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我家实在挤得慌!” "Take in your pig." said the wise old man. “把你的小猪推进屋。”聪明老先生出主意。 "Take in my pig? What a courious plan." “把我的小猪推进屋?这个主意真稀奇。” So she took in her pig who kept chasing the hen, 小猪一进屋,就把母鸡追。 And raiding the cupboard again and again. 它还打开食品柜,见着好吃的就塞进嘴。 The little old lady cried, "Stop, I implore! 小老太太大声叫:“求你们停下好不好? It was titchy for three and it's teeny for four. 三个呆着已经更加更加小,四个呆着可就更加更加更加小。 Even the pig in the cupboard agrees, 连食品柜里的小猪,也都赞成我的话, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我的房子小得太可怕。 And she said, "Wise old man, won't you help me, please? “聪明老先生,请你帮帮忙, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我家实在挤得慌!” "Take in  your cow," said the wise old man. “把你的奶牛赶进屋。”聪明老先生出主意。 "Take in my cow? What a curious plan." “把我的奶牛赶进屋?这个主意真稀奇。” Well, the cow took one look and charged straight at the pig. 奶牛一进屋,就冲小猪扑, Then jumped on the table and tapped out a jig. 它还跳上了桌子,大跳踢踏舞。 The little old lady cried, "Heavens alive! 小老太太大声叫:“我的天,哎哟哟! It was teeny for four and it's weeny for five. 四个呆着已经更加更加更加小,五个呆着那就一团糟。 I'm tearing my hair out, I'm down on my knees. 我已经烦得不得了,想把头发都扯掉。 My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我的房子实在小得不能够再小。” And she said, "Wise old man, won't you help me, please! “聪明老先生,请你帮帮忙, My house is a squash and a squeeze." 我家实在挤得慌。” "Take them all out," said the wise old man. “你把它们都放出来。”聪明老先生对她说。 "But then I'll be back where I first began." “那不就和原来一个样儿?” So she opened the window and out flew the hen. 小老太太打开窗子,放出了母鸡。 "That's better - at last I can sneeze again." “好点儿了——我到底能重新打喷嚏。” She shooed out the goat and she shaved out the pig. 她嘘嘘嘘,放走了山羊,放走猪。 "My house is beginning to feel pretty big." “我的房子好像开始变宽敞。” She huffed and she puffed and she pushed out the cow. 哼唷,哼唷,她又把奶牛推出了门。 "Just look at my house, it's enormous now." “看啊,我的房子现在大得很。” "Thank you, old man, for the work you have done. “谢谢你,聪明老先生!你可帮了我大忙! It was weeny for five, it's gigantic for one. 五个呆着小得不能再小,一个呆着真是宽敞。 There's no need to grumble and there's no need to grouse. 现在不用再发牢骚, There's plenty of room in my house." 我的房子大得不得了。” And now she's full of frolics and fiddle-de-dees. 现在,小老太太欢天又喜地, It isn't a squash and it isn't a squeeze. 房子不小也不挤。 Yes, she's full of frolics and fiddle-de-dees. 现在,小老太太欢天又喜地。 It isn't a squash or a squeeze. 房子一点儿也不小,一点儿也不挤。