英文 | 越爱 Arouse

英文 | 越爱 Arouse

2020-05-11    00'46''

主播: 麦田🔅

4248 14

First love are like paper planes flashing by the window at nightfall, white to blue, clean yet dazed. The musical note glides through a journey of melancholy and ecstasy. Youth beauteous like raindrops shining through the corner of the forehead, and slipping past as fleeting time. Ardor was frozen at that moment. Waiting for the breeze to arouse once again. 初恋就该是黄昏时划过窗外的纸飞机,白浅蓝灰,干净又迷茫,翅膀跃动的音符则平衡在少年感伤与狂喜的轨迹里。 我们的青春像停驻在额角的雨珠一样动人,又像流年瞬时光涌,一切早已凝固的早已埋葬的,在那瞬间里被风重新撩动......