英文 | 无限

英文 | 无限

2020-05-27    01'30''

主播: 麦田🔅

23288 249

“We're infinite” You are trapped in the endless struggle of your life, Incapable to smile, much less to escape, You are like a wallflower,growing in the darkest corner, You crave a bath under the sunlight, just like othe youths. Regardless of getting burnt, Yet you have to live your life as an outcast. The time will come, when you wanna scream, sing, and dance, You are afraid of nothing, Thankful to your friends, families and loved ones, Hopeful to the whole world For that moment, please try harder for your friends and families, Keep on, live your life. No hardship will forever be hard. And the sun will rise, and you will reborn in the burning pain, Because we are infinite.
上一期: 英文 | 睡前冥想
下一期: 英文 | 请微笑吧