

2020-10-26    18'43''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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一杯茶竟引起国际争议 An American woman and her daughter have triggered a diplomatic incident with a video on how to make “British tea”. 一位美国女士和她的女儿录制了一段“如何制作英式茶”的小视频,不想却引发了外交争议。 The offending woman had previously shared videos depicting her life as an American living in the UK. While her earlier videos often featured her family trying foods like crumpets or crisps, her most recent tea tutorial has caused an uproar. 这位麻烦女士之前发布的视频都是在描述她作为一个美国人在英国生活的经历。她早先的视频内容大多是家人一起尝试煎饼、薯片之类的食物,然而最近的这条英式茶教学视频却引起哗然一片。 In the video, she started off by putting cold tap water into her mug, then microwaving it rather than using a kettle. Most Brits would never consider a microwave necessary in the making of tea, but Americans don't tend to have kettles in their kitchens (which is something else the Brits find weird). The video went from bad to worse as the daughter added too much milk and copious amounts of sugar along with a tea bag. 视频中,她先是向马克杯里接了点的自来水,然后把马克杯放进了微波炉加热,而不是用壶来烧水。大多数英国人怎么也想不到还能用微波炉来泡茶,但是美国人一般厨房里都没有烧水壶(这一点英国人也觉得很奇怪)。让视频彻底垮掉的,是这位女士的女儿向这杯用茶包泡的茶里,猛灌了牛奶和糖。 Scores of horrified brits shuddered in disgust, then took to social media to voice their anger at the recipe. BBC celebrity presenter Dan Walker attacked the video on his Twitter feed, sparking user comments like, "How dare she call that tea, let alone British tea”. "How do I unsee this travesty?" “Strap her to a rocket and shoot her into the sun”. Things got so bad that Dame Karen Pierce, the UK’s ambassador to the US, stepped in to explain online how to make an “authentic British brew”. 英国人看到这段视频,可谓是怒从心头起,恶向胆边生,他们开始在社交媒体上开始声讨这个茶的做法。BBC名嘴丹·沃克在自己的推特上抨击了这个视频,点燃了更多用户的怒火:“她怎么好意思把那玩意儿叫作茶?更别提英式茶了!”“重金求一双没看过这视频的眼睛!”“应该把她绑在火箭上,发射到太阳上去!”事件愈演愈烈,英国驻美大使卡伦·皮尔斯也不得不站出来,在网上发布了一条关于“如何泡一杯正宗英式茶”的视频。