

2020-10-26    04'18''

主播: Pei你慢成长

127 4

“芒种”(Grain in Ear)是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第九个节气。“芒”指带芒作物的收获,如大麦、小麦等;“种”即为谷黍类作物的播种。夏收夏种都发生在这个时期,所以新一轮的农忙也开始了。 ear: the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat , that contains the seeds (谷类植物的)穗 ears of corn 玉米穗 比起前八个节气,芒种期间的降雨量仍处于增加状态,长江中下游地区即将进入梅雨季(Plum Rains season)。所以诗人赵师秀在《约客》中写道:黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。这句诗正是对这个时节天气的生动描述。 Plum Rains, often occurring during June and July, refer to the long period of continuous rainy or cloudy weather. This happens to be the time for plums to ripen, which explains the origin of its name. Plum Rains is a good period for growing rice, vegetables and fruits. “梅雨”指长时间的持续性降雨或多云天气,通常发生在六至七月间。此时正是梅子成熟的季节,所以因此得名。梅雨期是稻谷、蔬菜和水果生长的好时机。 祈祷丰收 “安苗”是安徽省南部的传统农业习俗。从明代早期开始,人们就会在芒种到来之际献上精心制作的祭品以祈求丰收。 People make different types of bread from wheat flour and color them with vegetable juice. The bread is used as a sacrificial offering to pray for a good harvest and people's safety. 人们用小麦粉制作各式各样的糕点,然后用蔬菜汁上色。人们用这些糕点上供,祈祷丰收和个人平安。 泥地摔跤 贵州南部的侗族(Dong minority)年轻人,至今还保留着在芒种“泥地摔跤”的习俗。 On this day newlyweds, accompanied by their good friends, plant rice together. While planting, they throw mud at each other. At the end of this activity, whoever has the most mud on them proves they are the most popular person. 在这天,新婚夫妇在好友的陪伴下一同插秧。在插秧时,他们会互相掷泥巴。活动结束时,身上泥巴最多的就是最受欢迎的人。 newlywed:新婚者,新婚夫妇 煮青梅 五六月正是梅子成熟的季节,和冰糖一同煮出来的梅子酸甜可口,美味又健康。 Green plums contain a variety of natural and high-quality organic acids and are rich in minerals. However, fresh plums are acerbic and need to be boiled before serving. 青梅含有多种天然高品质的有机酸,还富含矿物质。但是新鲜的梅子很酸,需要煮熟再食用。 acerbic [əˈsɜːrbɪk] adj. 酸的;辛辣的 清淡饮食 芒种节气不宜食用高油高盐的食物,要多吃蔬菜和粗粮。 Generally, vegetables and coarse grains that work in lowering blood pressure and blood fat should be the first choice. During this season, people are encouraged to consume less lamb, pork, hot peppers, onions and ginger if they are frequently feeling thirsty and tired. 总体来说,有助于降血压、降血脂的蔬菜和粗粮应是首选。在此期间,如果频频感到口渴、疲劳,应该少吃羊肉、猪肉、辣椒、洋葱和姜。 吃凉性水果 这一时期天气较热,推荐大家吃一些凉性的水果来“降温”,比如咬一口汁水四溢、唇齿留香的梨。 Other recommendations include tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, celery, asparagus, watermelon and strawberry. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theories, they are all cool-natured and can help eliminate heat in the body and promote digestion. 其他推荐果蔬还有西红柿、黄瓜、茄子、芹菜、芦笋、西瓜和草莓等。根据中国传统医学理论,这些都是凉性的食材,有助于清热败火,促进消化。 梅雨淅淅,暑气已至 愿大家在努力工作学习的时候 保持清凉心境