

2020-10-26    05'36''

主播: Pei你慢成长

135 3

白露是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第十五个节气。白露过后,一年中闷热的时段就基本结束了,往后便迎来了秋高气爽。露水的英文翻译是dew,所以白露的英文表达是White Dew,非常方便记忆。 White Dew indicates the real beginning of cool autumn. The temperature declines gradually and vapors in the air often condense into white dew on the grass and trees at night. 白露的到来预示着凉爽的秋日开始了。这段时间,温度逐渐降低,空气中的水汽在夜晚凝成白露,滴落在青草上,树枝间。 受地域差异影响,我国西部和东北部的秋天来得较早。这一时期的新疆喀纳斯、四川九寨沟、东北大兴安岭等地正在步入一年中最美的时节。 “白露出草根,颗颗如明珠。”白露时节的露水景观,十分赏心悦目。 Although the sunshine in daytime continues the heat of summer, temperatures decrease rapidly after sunset. At night, water vapor in the air turns into small drops of water when it encounters cold air. These white water drops adhere to flowers, grass and trees,and when the morning comes, the sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable. 尽管白天的日照使得天气炎热依旧,但日落后温度会迅速降低。到了夜里,空气中的水汽遇冷凝结成小水珠。这些水珠附在花朵、草地和树上,清晨来临时,阳光下的水珠看起来晶莹剔透,无瑕可爱。 白露期间应该吃什么?各地又有什么不同的风俗呢?一起来看看吧! 葡萄正当季 葡萄是白露时节的应季水果,且具有润肺的效果,很适合在干燥的秋季里食用。 White Dew season comes right when grapes become widely available for sale. Eating grapes in autumn can help dispel one's internal heat and expel toxins. 白露时节,正赶上葡萄大批上市。秋天吃葡萄有助于祛热排毒。 ********甜 白露时的龙眼硕大、甘甜、口感上佳。因其滋养身体的功效,福建历来便有“白露必吃龙眼”的传统。 It is said that one longan is as nutritious as an egg. Although this sounds exaggerated, longan does reinforce the spleen, nourish the blood, calm the nerves and improve one's looks. 据说一颗龙眼的营养价值和一枚鸡蛋一样高。虽然这个说法听起来有些夸张,但龙眼的确具有养脾、补血、安神和美容的功效。 白露饮秋茶 在南京,许多茶客都对白露茶青睐有加。“白露茶”是白露后、秋分前采摘的茶叶,口味清甜怡人。 White Dew tea is different from spring tea, which is usually too tender and cannot be brewed for a long time. It is also different from summer tea, which is dry and has a bitter flavor. Instead, White Dew tea tastes sweet and fresh. 白露茶不同于春茶的柔嫩、不经泡;也不同于夏茶的干涩、味苦。相反,它的味道甘甜醇美。 佳酿自此成 江浙地区有在秋季酿制“白露米酒”的传统。米酒富含多种维生素和氨基酸,有活血化瘀、促进新陈代谢的作用。 The wine is made of cereals, such as polished glutinous rice and gaoliang (a specific type of sorghum) and tastes a little sweet. In the past, country people in those regions all made the wine and served it to guests when entertaining. 这种酒由糯米、高粱等谷物酿制成,尝起来有点甜。在过去,苏浙乡下地区的人都会自制米酒,招待上门的客人。 红薯甜如蜜 农谚里有“白露起,红薯生”的说法。白露是红薯收获的季节,又因红薯有防秋燥,益气力的作用,此时也是食用红薯的好时节。 Many Chinese believe that the best food during White Dew is sweet potatoes. In the old days, peasants had the custom of eating sweet potatoes on the day of White Dew. According to traditional Chinese medicine, sweet potatoes can nourish the spleen. It can prolong life and reduce the risks of diseases. 不少人认为,红薯是白露时节最好的食物。过去,农民有白露当天吃红薯的习俗。据中医介绍,红薯有养脾的作用。它还可以延年益寿,降低患病的风险。 药膳“十样白” 中国人吃东西讲究应时应季,白露时节采集“十样白”入菜,有润燥的作用。“十样白”指十种名字中含 “白”的草药,比如白木槿、白茯苓、白山药等。 People in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, have a tradition of gathering 10 herbal medicines on the day of White Dew. People believe that stewing these herbal medicines with black-bone chicken or duck can nourish the human body and treat arthritis. 浙江温州地区的人们有在白露当天采集“十样白”草药的传统。人们认为,用乌骨鸡或鸭子一同炖煮这些草药,能够滋润身体,治疗关节炎。 祭祀大禹 为纪念因治理洪水“三过家门而不入”的大禹,每年白露时,太湖沿岸地区的居民会举行祭祀大禹的活动,以祈祷风调雨顺。 White Dew is a time for people in the Taihu Lake area of East China to offer sacrifices to Da Yu, a hero who tamed floods by regulating rivers and watercourses. 白露时节,太湖地区的人们会开展祭祀大禹的活动。大禹是疏通水道,制服洪水的英雄。 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜 夏去秋来 请记住挂念你的人 为自己多加一件衣裳