

2020-10-28    24'26''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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“投毒”太平洋:日本或排百万吨核废水 今日导读 2011 年 3 月 11 日,日本东北部海域发生 9.0 级地震,随之而来的海啸导致福岛第一核电站中三座核反应堆堆芯熔毁,从而引发灾难性核泄漏。为控制反应堆温度,运营商东京电力公司注入了大量冷却水,含有放射性物质的核废水也由此产生。今年 10月 16 日,据多家日媒报道,日本政府已经初步决定将经过处理的核废水排入大海。消息一出,来自各界的质疑和指责如雪片一般飞来。在多方压力下,日本政府如何表态?核废水的排放会带来哪些后果? 带着问题听讲解 如何理解 decommission 这个词? 根据文章,日本政府是否已经做出排放核废水的正式决定? 处理后的核废水是否仍有危害? 正文 Japan to release treated Fukushima water in sea, Kyodo says. 日本共同社称,日本拟将处理过的福岛核废水直排入海 Japan is planning to release millions of gallons of treated radioactive water from its wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, Kyodo News reported. 据日本共同社报道,日本正计划将数百万加仑经过处理的放射性废水排入太平洋中。这些废水来自其(九年前)失事的福岛第一核电站。 The government has agreed on this plan and an official decision by the cabinet is expected as soon as this month, according to the newsagency. 据该社报道,日本政府已经通过了这项计划,内阁成员预计最快将在本月内做出正式决定。 The release likely won't occur for another two years and could take decades to complete, Kyodo said. Storage tanks for the water at the site are forecast to be full by mid-2022. 共同社表示,核废水或许要两年后才会被排放,且可能需要几十年的时间才能排放完毕。位于福岛的(废水)储水罐预计将在2022 年中旬被装满。 "It's not true that the government has decided on a direction, or the timing for a decision," Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told reporters in Tokyo on Friday. "On the other hand, to avoid delaying the decommissioning of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant, it is true that we can't put off forever a decision on how to dispose of the treated water." 日本内阁官房长官加藤胜信(音)周五在东京对记者表示:“日本政府还没有确定这项决策的执行方向或执行时机。但另一方面, 为了避免推迟福岛第一核电站的关停计划,我们确实不能将处理废水的决定永久地拖延下去。” Dumping the water into the ocean threatens to hurt Japan's relationship with South Korea, and comes despite opposition from environmental groups and the local fishing industry, which is still struggling to recover from the disaster. 将核废水排入海中可能会损害日本与韩国的关系;尽管遭到环保 组织和当地渔业(目前仍在努力从当年的核泄漏灾难中恢复过来) 的反对,这项决定仍然被通过了。 The treated water contains tritium, making it weakly radioactive. While tritium's beta particles, those emitted during radioactive decay, are too low-energy to penetrate the skin, they can build up in the body if inhaled orconsumed. 处理过的废水中含有氚,这种物质使得废水具有较弱的放射性。而虽然氚的 β 粒子(在放射性衰变期间释放的粒子)能量太低, 无法渗入皮肤,但是它们还是能通过被吸入或者食用的方式在体内累积。 The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report in April that it is ready to work with Japan "to develop a framework to provide radiation safety assistance before, during and after the disposition" once a decision on how to proceed has been made. 今年 4 月,国际原子能机构在一份报告中表示,一旦日本就如何开展废水处理工作做出决定,该机构将准备与日本“共同制定一个框架,在废水处理前、处理期间和处理后提供核辐射安全的相关援助”。