The Questions You Wish You Had Asked Your Parents
By Clare Ansberry
As significant as parents are in life, their adult children often don’t know what shaped them and what they were like before they became mom and dad. They may be curious about their parents’ background and choices, but don’t think to ask questions or know how to begin. They are busy with raising their families and jobs or live hundreds of miles away. Other topics—children, school, work—can seem more pressing.
Parents themselves aren’t always forthcoming, telling only the happy stories and filtering out painful ones. Some don’t think their lives are all that interesting.
Yet today, for some people, that is starting to change. There’s a growing interest in under-standing our parents’ lives. Part of it is generational: Younger people are more transparent and used to telling the story of their own lives, often online for many to see, and expect it from others.
According to a recent survey of 990 adults by StoryTerrace, one in five don’t know any-thing about their parents before they became parents, and 45% learn more about their parents from discovering photos and family possessions than direct conversations with them.
Yet relationships with parents, regardless of how complicated, are the ones a person takes through life, says David Isay, who founded StoryCorps.
Mr. Isay interviewed his own dad and listened to the recording hours after his father died and found it comforting.