

2020-10-31    05'23''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / China reaps bumper harvest 今年粮食丰收已成定局 China will see a bumper harvest this year with stable cereal grains output, and large-scale cereal purchases have kicked off recently, the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration revealed on Tuesday. 国家粮食和物资储备局10月27日表示,2020年我国粮食产量稳定,丰收已成定局。近日秋粮收购已全面启动。 "With the autumn harvest ending soon, we've already seen an abundant cereal supply that can ensure a bumper harvest for the whole year," said Qin Yuyun, head of the administration's food reserves department. China's total cereal output consists of three parts - early rice, summer grain and autumn production. 据国家粮食和物资储备局粮食储备司司长秦玉云介绍,当前秋粮收获接近尾声,我国粮食供应充裕,丰收已成定局。我国总粮食产量来自早稻、夏粮和秋粮。秋粮产量占全年粮食总产的四分之三。 Autumn grain crops, which include corn, middle-and late-season rice, account for three quarters of a whole year's grain production. According to the administration, China's current cereal storage can meet the country's total consumption for a whole year. As of last week, a total of 90 million tons of grain crops have been traded on the State-owned platform. 秋粮主要包括玉米、中稻和晚稻。国家粮食和物资储备局表示,当前我国粮食库存可满足市场一年以上消费需求。截至上周,已通过国家粮食交易平台累计销售政策性粮食9000万吨左右。 重点词汇: bumper 英 [ˈbʌmpə(r)] 美 [ˈbʌmpər] n. 保险杠;满杯;(板球)反弹球;新马平地赛;广告时段;大满杯敬酒;(非正式)烟头 adj. 丰盛的;巨大的;首尾相接的 v. 满杯祝酒;干杯;装满 2 / Virus may spread by cold food 新发地疫情或源自冷链 Chinese scientists have discovered that the COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing in June was likely to have been triggered by cold-chain imports from overseas. The study was published online on Friday in China's peer-reviewed journal, the National Science Review. 我国科学家发现,今年6月北京****疫情再现可能源自冷链进口食品污染。这份研究报告10月23日在同行评议期刊《国家科学评论》上在线发表。 A new cluster of local infections linked to the massive Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing's Fengtai district emerged on June 11 after the capital reported no new local cases for 56 consecutive days. 6月11日,北京市在连续56天未报告本地病例后,出现了与丰台区新发地批发市场相关联的聚集性新冠疫情。 The outbreak, which prompted a mass testing campaign covering about half of the over 20 million residents of the capital, saw 335 confirmed cases. 疫情发生后,北京市立即展开大规模核酸检测,逾2000万居民中的半数接受了检测,共发现335例确诊病例。 重点词汇: peer-reviewed 英 [ˌpɪər rɪˈvjuːd] adj. 经同行评议的 consecutive 英 [kənˈsekjətɪv] 美 [kənˈsekjətɪv] adj. 连贯的;连续不断的 3 / Square dancing law unveiled 上海出条例规范广场舞 Shanghai recently became the latest city in the country to unveil local regulations on square dancing, a popular form of mass fitness among the middle-aged and the elderly that has sparked controversy because of complaints from nonparticipants about disturbances. 上海近日成为我国最新一个出台广场舞地方条例的城市。广场舞是中老年人普遍喜爱的一种群众性健身活动,但由于一些人抱怨受到广场舞的打扰,也引发了争议。 The group of individuals participating in square dancing should adhere to public rules and social customs and never disturb others around them, according to the Shanghai Municipal Regulation on the Protection and Promotion of Public Cultural Services, which was approved by the city's legislature on Tuesday. 根据10月27日上海市人大**会通过的《上海市公共文化服务保障与促进条例》,跳广场舞的群众应当遵守相关规定和公序良俗,不得影响他人的正常工作和生活。 The local subdistrict authority and managers of public venues will assume a larger role in the organization and coordination of such public dances to ensure they are carried out smoothly, according to the regulation that will take effect at the beginning of next year. 条例自明年1月1日起正式实施,其中要求,活动举办地所在乡镇人民政府、街道办事处以及公共场所管理单位应加强组织协调,保障活动有序开展。 Some other cities and provincial-level regions have published similar regulations aimed at the problem. In Beijing, a regulation targeting public sports activities that took effect in 2017 stipulated that all participants in such activities at public venues should not disturb others. 针对这一问题,其他一些城市和省级地区也发布过类似的条例。北京于2017年生效的一项针对公共体育活动的条例规定,所有公共场所此类活动的参与者不得干扰他人。 重点词汇: controversy 英 [ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi; kənˈtrɒvəsi] 美 [ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi] n. 争论;论战;辩论 disturbance 英 [dɪˈstɜːbəns] 美 [dɪˈstɜːrbəns] n. 干扰;骚乱;忧虑 subdistrict 英 ['sʌb,dɪstrɪkt] 美 [ˈsʌbˌdɪstrɪkt] n. 小区;分区 4 / Lockdown in France & Germany 法德重启全国封锁措施 France will enter a new nationwide lockdown starting Friday and lasting at least the whole of November in order to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday evening. 法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙10月28日晚间宣布,为控制新冠病毒的传播,法国将从10月30日起再次启动全国封锁政策,并至少持续至11月底。 Macron said tighter restrictions on socializing, mobility and hospitality were necessary in order to prevent the nation becoming "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first". 马克龙表示,有必要对社交活动、出行和餐饮娱乐进行更严格的限制,以防止法国“被第二波疫情击倒,毫无疑问,第二波疫情将比第一波更严重”。 Macron said that all bars and restaurants must close under the new measures, and people will only be allowed to leave their homes in order to go to work, shop for food, and exercise for an hour each day. 根据新措施,所有酒吧和餐馆都必须关闭,人们只能离开家去上班、购买食品和每天锻炼一小时。 The French leader added that schools will remain open, and elderly nursing homes can be visited. The announcement came hours after German Chancellor Angela Merkel laid out similar measures in Germany, which will enter a four-week lockdown from Monday. Bars, pubs, gyms, cinemas and theatres will shut under the new regulations. 马克龙补充说,学校将继续开放,养老院也可以探视。就在马克龙宣布封锁措施数小时前,德国**安格拉•默克尔也宣布了类似措施,从11月2日开始,德国将实施为期四周的封锁措施。根据新规,酒吧、健身房、电影院和剧院将关闭。