

2020-11-02    19'43''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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On the Wrong Side of the Split Recovery: ‘I Just Have to Keep Myself Going’ 经济复苏下两极分化的人生:“我只能坚持下去” By Justin Baer and Eric Morath In the seven months after the coronavirus and shutdown tore through Cincinnati, Crayona McBerry lost half her income, then got it back; got sick, then recovered; risked eviction, then made her rent. 在新冠病毒和经济停摆笼罩辛辛那提的7个月里,克蕾约娜·麦克伯雷经历了从收入减半到又赚回这笔钱;经历了病倒,又恢复健康;经历了差点流落街头,到挣到房租。 Though she is still on her feet, it isn’t relief she feels so much as anxiety. The 44-year-old single mother is working seven days a week as a cleaner, behind on some of her bills and ever alert to what the virus might deal next. “I worry every day,” she says. 虽然生活还能凑活过,但这并没有让她松了口气,相反,她感受到的更多是焦虑。这位44岁的单身妈妈现在是清洁工,每周需要工作七天,她拖欠着一些账单,还要时刻警惕着,这个病毒接下来又会对她的生活造成什么样的改变。她说,“我每天都提心吊胆。” Millions of Americans are on the downside of a recovery that is increasingly split, with some parts of the economy roaring while other sectors languish. Cincinnati mirrors the national picture: Its experience shows how economic shock waves continue to reverberate through people’s lives even as the worst effects of the springtime crash recede. 随着一部分经济热度骤升,还有一部分经济仍旧萎靡不振,经济恢复越发呈现出两极分化的趋势,而上百万美国人就处于下降的那边。辛辛那提就像一面镜子,反射着整个美国的现状:它让我们看到,春季经济崩盘带来的最坏影响虽已在消退,然而,经济冲击如何像浪潮一样继续在人们生活中回荡。 The city’s stories also reveal adaptation and resilience. Ms. McBerry has improvised on child care, the GE worker has found a new job, the entrepreneur is keeping his businesses going and the comedian is writing jokes for the pandemic era. 同时,这个城市的故事,也让我们看到了它的灵活坚韧。麦克伯雷意外找到了看孩子的办法,通用电气的员工找到了一份新工作,创业者继续经营着自己的小生意,喜剧演员正在为疫情时期制造欢乐。 “I just have to keep myself going, make sure I’m safe and my family is safe,” Ms. McBerry said. “It’s not even ‘worries’ anymore, it’s part of living now. It’s life.” 麦克伯雷说,“我只能坚持下去,也只有这样才能保护我自己,保护我的家人。这些事都称不上焦虑了,因为它已经成为我生活的一部分。这就是生活。“