去年,国际移民组织发布的 2020 年《世界移民报告》显示,2019 年, 全球 77 亿人口中有 2.72 亿跨国移民,占全球人口的 3.5%;此外, 全球移民人数逐年稳步增长。但新冠疫情的暴发扭转了这一趋势:无论是为了投资还是为了谋生,对于有移民想法的人们来说,他们的计划都被按下了暂停键。
文中出现了哪些可以表示“减少,下降”的单词? 美国还接收移民吗?根据本文,移民数量下降的原因有哪些?
Migration has plummeted during the pandemic
If there is one thing that people remember about the covid-19 pandemic, it is the experience of sheltering in place. Those looking to move abroad have had little choice but to stay put, too. A new report from the OECD, a think-tank, shows that travel restrictions introduced in response to the pandemic caused migration to rich countries to fall by half in the first half of the year, compared with2019.
对于新冠疫情,如果人们有什么印象深刻的事,那一定是居家隔离的经历。本打算移居海外的那些人们也不例外,他们别无选择、只得原地待命。最近,经济合作与发展组织(由专家组成的、研究经济等问题的机构)发表了一份报告,该报告指出,今年上半年,为应对疫情推行的旅行限制导致向富裕国家移民的人数比 2019 年同期减少了一半。
The sharpest declines occurred in East Asia and Oceania. Rich countries there have succeeded better than most at stopping the spread of covid-19. This is in part because they were quick to recognise the threat and institute strict travel restrictions. Some countries in the region, including Japan, South Korea and New Zealand have just about stopped accepting new immigrants entirely.
移民人数降幅最大的是东亚和大洋洲。那里的富裕国家在阻止新冠扩散方面比大多数国家都成功。这在一定程度上是因为他们很快就认识到了病毒的危险性,并实行了严格的旅行限制。该地区的一些国家, 包括日本、韩国和新西兰,几乎完全不再接受新移民。
In America, restrictions were not introduced until March. It has since largely stopped issuing visas for permanent residents, but is still accepting temporary migrants. Most European countries halted migrant flows around the same time as the UnitedStates.
Economic factors have also played a part in reducing migration. Restaurants and hotels, which have been devastated by the pandemic, employ a disproportionate number of migrants. The migrants have lost their jobs at higher rates than native-born residents. With fewer job opportunities, fewer people now have an incentive to move abroad, even if they were allowed to doso.
There is one country where immigration has not fallen much: Sweden. There, the government has rejected draconian lockdown measures imposed in virtually every other rich country. Although Sweden issued fewer visas this spring compared with the same period in 2019, migration has since returned to pre-pandemiclevels.
有一个国家的移民数量并没有下降多少:瑞典。在那里,政府拒绝了几乎所有发达国家都实施的严格封锁措施。尽管瑞典今年春天发放的签证数量少于 2019 年同期,但移民数量已恢复到疫情前的水平。