

2020-11-07    08'29''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / 'Multinationals flock to expo 进博会'朋友圈'逆势扩增 The highly anticipated third China International Import Expo (CIIE) will be held in the coastal city of Shanghai from Nov 5-10 as scheduled. 备受瞩目的第三届中国国际进口博览会将于11月5日至10日在上海如期举办。 Flocking to this year's CIIE are returnees from past expos as well as new faces, including nearly 50 Fortune 500 and industry-leading companies, signaling a vote of confidence in China's further opening-up. 不仅往届进博会参展商回头率高,还有不少新朋友入圈,其中,将近50家世界500强和行业龙头企业今年首次参展,显示出对我国扩大开放的信心。 For these 2,600-odd global exhibitors, as well as some 400,000 participants at the event, this year's expo provides an opportunity to explore China's economic vitality and learn more about its new development blueprint. The expo promises to inject fresh impetus into a global economy crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic. 对于这2600多家全球参展商以及约40万专业观众而言,今年的进博会提供了一个近距离感受中国经济活力、了解中国新发展蓝图的机会。进博会预计将给被****疫情重创的全球经济注入新动力。 重点词汇: flocking 英 ['flɒkɪŋ] 美 ['flɔkiŋ] n. 植绒花纹棉;羊毛屑 v. 群集,簇拥;蜂拥而至(flock 的现在分词) impetus 英 [ˈɪmpɪtəs] 美 [ˈɪmpɪtəs] n. 动力;促进;冲力;动量 2 / 'Ant Group's IPO suspended 蚂蚁科技集团上市暂缓 Fintech giant Ant Group's initial public offering on the STAR Market will be suspended, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced on Tuesday night. 上交所11月3日晚间发布公告,暂缓金融科技巨头蚂蚁集团科创板上市。 The Shanghai bourse explained that Ant Group has reported major matters, such as the change in supervision environment concerning fintech, due to which Ant Group may not be able to meet listing requirements at the bourse or meet related information disclosure requirements. 上交所在公告中称,蚂蚁集团报告所处的金融科技监管环境发生变化等重大事项。该重大事项可能导致蚂蚁集团不符合发行上市条件或者信息披露要求。 Based on the stock exchange's regulations and sponsors' opinions, Ant Group's IPO on the STAR Market will be postponed. The fintech company and its sponsors are required to make relevant announcements. 根据上交所有关规定,并征询保荐机构的意见,上交所决定蚂蚁集团暂缓上市。蚂蚁集团及保荐人应当依照规定作出公告。 Ant Group, which also filed for a dual listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, announced on Tuesday it will suspend the listing on the Hong Kong bourse. Its debut on the two exchanges was scheduled for Nov 5. 蚂蚁集团也曾申请在港交所上市。11月3日,蚂蚁集团宣布将暂缓港交所上市。蚂蚁集团原定于11月5日在上交所和港交所上市。 重点词汇: fintech 英 [ˈfɪntek] 美 [ˈfɪntek] 金融科技(financial technology) bourse 英 [bʊəs] 美 [bʊrs] n. 交易所 n. (Bourse)人名;(法)布尔斯 3 / 'Biggest plastic waste producer 美国制造最多塑料垃圾 When the US Environmental Protection Agency released its plan recently for addressing marine litter, it named five Asian nations as responsible for more than half of the plastic waste flowing into the oceans every year. 美国环境保护署近日发布了一项解决海洋垃圾问题的计划,点名指出五个亚洲国家要为每年流入海洋的塑料垃圾负主要责任。但目前美国才是世界上最大的塑料垃圾制造者。 But the US is by far the world's largest generator of plastic waste. Now, new research, published in Science Advances, reexamines the US's role as a plastic consumer and concludes that the country has much more work to do at home to manage its waste. 发表在《科学进展》上的一项新研究重新审视了美国作为塑料消费国的角色,并得出结论称,美国在处理国内垃圾方面还有很多工作要做。 It produced about 42 million metric tons of the stuff in 2016. Although the US accounted for just 4% of the global population in 2016, it generated 17% of all plastic waste. 美国2016年制造了大约4200万吨塑料垃圾,虽然当年美国人口仅占世界总人口的4%,却制造了世界上17%的塑料垃圾。 Meanwhile, less than 10% of American plastic waste is recycled, and the US has a 30-year history of shipping half of its recyclable plastic overseas, primarily to developing nations lacking the infrastructure to manage it. 与此同时,美国只有不到10%的塑料垃圾被回收利用,而美国将其一半的可回收塑料运往海外已有30年历史,主要是运往缺乏处理设施的发展中国家。 4 / Most-watched YouTube video '宝贝鲨鱼'成油管流量王 "Baby Shark", the infuriatingly catchy children's rhyme recorded by South Korean company Pinkfong, has become the most-watched video ever on YouTube. 韩国碰碰狐公司录制的超洗脑儿童歌曲《宝贝鲨鱼》成为油管有史以来浏览量最高的视频。 The song has now been played 7.04 billion times, overtaking the previous record holder "Despacito", the Latin pop smash by singer Luis Fonsi. 这首歌曲迄今为止已经被播放了70.4亿次,超越了前任冠军——歌手路易斯•冯西演唱的热门拉丁流行歌曲《Despacito》保持的纪录。 Played back-to-back, that would mean "Baby Shark" has been streamed continuously for 30,187 years. Pinkfong stands to have made about $5.2m from YouTube streams alone. 这意味着,在连续播放的情况下,《宝贝鲨鱼》总计播放时间达3万零187年。碰碰狐公司光是在油管上播放这一歌曲视频就入账了520万美元(约合人民币3479万元)。 重点词汇: infuriatingly 英 [in'fjuərieitiŋli] 美 [in'fjuərieitiŋli] adv. 令人发怒地;令人气愤地