

2020-11-10    24'35''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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2020 年 11 月 09 日 最关键的第 270 张选票:一文看懂米国选举制度 今日导读 今年的米国大选“战况”异常胶着,大选投票日(11.3)过后的几 天里,川普和瞌睡乔的票数你追我赶、不相上下,“反超”情况屡屡发生。当地时间 7号上午,根据米国多家媒体测算,民主党 总统候选人瞌睡乔率先锁定了胜局,拿到了超过 270张选举人票。为什么全民参与的大选,最终双方只靠两百多票定胜负?一亿多选民的选票又是投给谁的?此外,现在美国大选真的结束了吗? 带着问题听讲解 poll 这个词在大选中一般表示什么意思? 如何理解 get one's own way 这个短语? 根据文章,各州的选举人需要如何投票? 正文 After polls close, the real presidential election starts. Here's a guide to deadlines from Election Day to inauguration 投票结束后,真正的总统选举才刚刚开始——从大选投票日到就职典礼期间的时间节点一览 President Donald Trumpand his allies have suggested that the system is only fair if a winner is declared on election night, but that's a misreading of the US Constitution and US law, both of which makeclearthatthetechnicalprocessofpickingapresidentisonly getting started on Election Day. 美国总统川普及其盟友曾表示,只有在大选投票日当晚揭晓大选获胜者,选举系统才算是公平的。但这是对美国宪法和其他美国法律的误读,法律明确地表明,选举总统的正式流程在大选投票日这天才刚刚开启。 The system is especially confusing because voters only cast ballots to determine which candidate gets to send a handpicked group of allies known as electors to the Electoral College, where the actual presidential vote takes place. 米国的选举系统尤为令人费解,因为选民只是投票决定哪位总统候选人可以将层层选拔出来的一群盟友(即“选举人”)送入选举人团中。而在选举人团内,会进行真正的总统选举投票。 Americans have been refining the process since the election of 1800. In 1876, the results in several Southern states were disputed, and the lack of clear Electoral College results led to a deal in the House that gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency even though he won neither the Electoral College nor the popular vote. That ultimately begat the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which is still in effecttoday. 自 1800 年大选以来,米国人就一直在完善选举过程。1876 年, 米国南方几个州的选举结果存在争议,选举人团的投票结果不明确,导致众议院达成协议,让拉瑟福德·B·海斯当选了总统,尽管他既没有赢得多数选举人团投票,也没有赢得多数普选票。这次事件最终催生了 1887 年颁布的《选举人票计算条例》,该条例至今仍然有效。 What happens after Election Day 大选投票日过后,会发生什么? December8 12 月 8日 This is the date by which states are meant to have counted votes, settled disputes, and determined the winner of their electoral college votes. 在这天之前,各州应完成计票、解决所有争议、并确定赢得该州选举人票的总统候选人。 December14 12 月 14日 Electors are supposed to meet in their respective states and cast votes for US President. Many states have laws requiring their electors to support the winner of their state's election and can levy fines against faithless electors who go their own way. 选举人应在各自所属的州会面,并投票选举美国总统。许多州都立法要求该州的选举人投票支持在该州胜出的候选人,而针对一意孤行的“失信选举人”,各州可以对其罚款。 January 20: Inauguration Day 1 月 20 日:美国总统就职日 A new president takes the oath of office at noon. If the President-elect dies between Election Day and Inauguration, the vice president-elect takes the oath of office and becomes President. 新任总统将在当天中午宣誓就职。若当选总统在大选投票日至就职典礼期间去世,则当选的副总统宣誓就任总统。